Review: Riviera Labs APL10 Preamplifier & AFM25 Monoblock Amplifiers
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been having a recurring dream about finding a hidden room in whatever house I was living in.
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been having a recurring dream about finding a hidden room in whatever house I was living in.
I’m a fan of filling our lives with beauty and wonder (and kindness but that’s not something you can buy). Here are some things that may bring some sparkle to your day(s). Cheers.
Each Friday, Stephen Mejias, AudioQuest’s Director of Communications and former Stereophile and Audiostream columnist, will browse through the many exciting albums released that day and select 15 worth a closer listen.
Music as spirit guide.
If you’re looking for a sleek, slender amp-friendly tower speaker that serves whatever music suits your fancy, read on.
Hand-made in the Black Forest, Rekkord Turntables are built in the same precision machining and clock-making factory the company founder first opened in 1907.
Each Friday, Stephen Mejias, AudioQuest’s Director of Communications and former Stereophile and Audiostream columnist, will browse through the many exciting albums released that day and select 15 worth a closer listen.
Sometimes I think I did but I didn’t.
I remember the days of frantic show coverage, running from room to room with camera and notepad at the ready, fumbling, fussing, feverishly scribbling then snap, snap, snap “Thanks!” and on through the next door.
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: High Water Sound‘s Jeff Catalano knows music and he knows how to put together hifi systems that honor it.
A funny thing happened in the Mytek Audio room.
No trip to CAF is complete without a stop in the Border Patrol/Volti Audio/Triode Wire Labs room-orama.
Harrisburg, PA-based dealer Now Listen Here took over the Executive Suite at CAF 22 with an executive system.
Berlin-based Voxativ was showing their new 9.88 System that adds a midrange driver and crossover to their 9.87 system. Yes, I said crossover.
Big system + big room = big sound.
Hifi is a feast for the eyes as well as the ears, so please enjoy a visual tour around CAF 2022.
Distributor Phillip O’Hanlon of On A Higher Note knows how to put on a show.
“We liked ’em so much, we bought ’em.”
Distributor/Dealer Bill Parish of GTT Audio lives and works 13 miles from the Barn yet the only time I see him is in other rooms in other cities.
It seems everyone is talking about the new Andrew Jones-designed MoFi Electronics SourcePoint 10 Loudspeakers.
Wood is good.
San Diego, CA-based dealer Alma Music & Audio is about to open their second location in Sterling, VA and their growth may have something to do with putting “Music” first.
HiFi is filled with as many approaches to musical goodness as there are people making products but some are further off the beaten path than others. No one knows this better than Robin Wyatt of Robyatt Audio.
Panel speakers have a certain je ne sais quoi beyond mere flatness.
As timing would have it, I got to hear two different pair of Credo speakers in one of two rooms hosted by Linear Tube Audio.
While the determination of beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, to my eyes the BRAMA gear sings with understated elegance.
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