Qobuz Duo: Two Streaming Accounts For A Few Dollars More

France-based Hi-Res streaming service Qobuz is making access to its forever expanding lossless library more accessible with its new Duo Plan.

If you haven’t been keeping track, an individual Qobuz plan, called Solo, starts at just $12.99/month or $10.83/month if you commit to a year. That’s chicken feed for access to millions of albums in lossless quality. Nearly free.

With the new Duo plan, you can add another account for $5.00/month more, or just $14.99/month in total for the yearly deal. For larger families, there’s always the Family Plan that comes with a total of 6 accounts as long as you all live under the same roof.

As time goes by, I find myself using Qobuz more and more because it tends to sound better than Tidal here in the Barn.