High End Munich 2024: Final Thoughts
I nearly feel bad for people whose only connection to hifi is gear.
I nearly feel bad for people whose only connection to hifi is gear.
Imagine two scenarios: A) You are listening to music at home. B) You are listening to music in a foreign room 4,000 miles from home along with 80 sweaty talkative strangers.
Those are the new separates from Riviera Labs—APL-1 Tube Line Preamplifier & AFS-32 Stereo Amplifier—two of the new products from High End Munich 2024 I’m most excited to get in Barn. Think Fall.
My favorite room at High End Munich 2024 was not exactly part of High End Munich 2024.
The new LYNX loudspeaker slots into Rockport Technologies’ speaker lineup offering trickle down tech from the flagship LYRA in a smaller form factor.
That’s a lot of 2s!
Fitting into NAD’s Classic Series, the new C 379 HybridDigital DAC Amplifier packs a lot of features in a nicely priced box. Classic NAD, indeed.
Making their world premier at High End Munich 2024 from Dynaudio (from left): the new Confidence 20A Active speaker, The Bookshelf, the Contour 20 Black Edition, and the Contour Legacy.
The first pairs of Audiovector’s wedge-shaped Trapeze loudspeakers hit the market back in 1979 when Donna Summer had 3 singles in Billboard’s Year-End Top 100.
High End Munich 2024 is shaping up to be chock full of must-hear gear and I’ll add totaldac’s new d120 speakers to my list.
It seems like I just finished unpacking from Axpona. Because I did just finish unpacking from Axpona.
Where “S” stands for “Sound”.
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