HiFi Thoughts: Are We in a Golden Age of HiFi?

golden age | noun : a period of great happiness, prosperity, and achievement

There has never been a time in human history with more access to more music than this very moment. An endless amount, practically speaking since no one has the time in their lifetime to listen to it all.

As far as hifi goes, you can spend as little or as much on a hifi as your heart desires, from simple to separates, from any kind of company, or companies, you choose. An endless amount, practically speaking since no one has the time in their lifetime to listen to it all.

So we’ve got great prosperity and achievement covered, and then some, so all each of us need bring to the table is great happiness.

Are we in a Golden Age of HiFi? It’s up to you.

(Of course we are)

cover image: The Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise, Giovanni di Paolo (1445)