Time flies when you’re listening to music.
I am bad with dates (calendar-based, wise guys), so it was only when I recently reorganized the TM Favorites section of the site that I realized we’re moving into our 5th year of operation as a bona fide hifi review site.
The first official TM product review was posted in the summer of 2018 so, while accounting for the interstitial period of 2020, July marks the beginning of our 5th year. And that’s cause for celebration.
Someone recently asked, “Why do you do what you do?” And my short answer was and is—because I love doing what I do and consider myself supremely fortunate do be able to do what I do for a living. Stupidly fortunate.
Which leads me to more thanks than I can convey in words but thank you to everyone who reads what I write, thank you to everyone who supports my work either through ads or Patreon, and thank you to my friends and family who put up with me—I can exhibit an artist’s temperament without the benefits (wink).
Here are my plans for the future—more of the same, ideally better.
As you can probably can tell, I love a routine, a schedule, which is why I typically post reviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays and share two music posts, my Album of the Week and Stephen Mejias’ #NewMusicFriday on, you guessed it, Fridays. What better way to enter a weekend than with new music to explore, or so goes my thinking.
I’ve been sharing a favorite album of the week since my AudioStream days when it was called “Download of the Week” to stay inside that carefully cordoned off area of computer audio. And if you add all this up, and throw in the ‘Favorite Test Tracks’ and ‘Weekly Tracks Playlist’ I share with Patrons, we’re looking at recommendations numbering in the thousands.
Why? Because music matters most.
Don’t believe me? Audiophiles love gear more than music! Right? Here’s a test for every disbeliever—don’t listen to music on a hifi for 5 years. After 5 years, tell me that you’re still enjoying hifi (and music) as much as ever. That’s a dare.
Getting back to good fortune, I essentially listen to music for a living and write about the experience. If you’d have told my younger self this would be my reality in my 6th decade of breathing, I’d have said you’re nuts. Yet here we are entering the 5th year of Twittering Machines, with my 20th year as a reviewer coming up next year.
Time flies when you’re having fun.