Rotel Launches the $499 A8 Integrated Amplifier
I don’t know about you but I get excited by lower power integrated amps.
I don’t know about you but I get excited by lower power integrated amps.
You can find the Living Voice Auditorium R25A Loudspeakers
 on my list of Favorite Speakers, which can be seen as the R80 OBX’s little brothers.
The BorderPatrol S20EXD Parallel Single-Ended Amplifier offers 18 Class A Watts per channel from two pair of Western Electric 300Bs.
Each Friday, Stephen Mejias, AudioQuest’s Director of Communications and former Stereophile and Audiostream columnist, will browse through the many exciting albums released that day and select 15 worth a closer listen.
Leave it to Mississippi Records to unleash this torrent of quiet gentle beauty.
Some speaker’s appearance telegraphs their sound more than others, or so I say in a kind of surface way.
The Octave Audio V 70 is a Class A push-pull pentode integrated amplifier capable of outputing a specified 50 Watts of power into 4 Ohms.
Anyone who’s had a gander at my Favorite Speakers list will have seen the Qln Prestige Five on it about which i said, “Regardless of the accompanying amplification, they remained as resolving as music demanded, as seamless and transparent as I’ve heard from a multi-driver […]
If you keep up with hifi news, you’re aware of a recent event of the litigious variety.
Each Friday, Stephen Mejias, AudioQuest’s Director of Communications and former Stereophile and Audiostream columnist, will browse through the many exciting albums released that day and select 15 worth a closer listen.
While I haven’t seen director Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s 2024 film, Evil Does Not Exist, I have a thing or two to say about the soundtrack.
When it comes to loudspeakers, I like all kinds.
I believe it was Siddhartha who first strove for all-in-one-ness.
If you read my review of the Network Acoustics Muon Pro Ethernet filter, you know I found it offered sound improvements in my systems.
208cm. If you were wondering how tall TIDAL Audio’s new Sunray G3 Loudspeakers are, the answer is 208cm or 6.8 ft. Tall.
Let’s face it—digital can be difficult to love. I spent about 7 years writing about nothing but digital, so I know from whence I speak.
Each Friday, Stephen Mejias, AudioQuest’s Director of Communications and former Stereophile and Audiostream columnist, will browse through the many exciting albums released that day and select 15 worth a closer listen.
Blasting open with more than hints of Machine Head lost in a sea of post-punk fury, Saya Gray’s latest EP is a ripping wild time.
To say I was impressed by the Fyne Vintage Classic XII is kinda like saying I’m impressed by air conditioning—it’s all a matter of degree.
If there’s one thing every audiophile agrees with, it’s the importance of the room.
Q: Why do you have a Network Acoustics Muon Pro Ethernet filter in your hifi? A: Because it makes music sound better.
Time flies when you’re listening to music.
Cue Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young—It’s been a long time comin’.
Each Friday, Stephen Mejias, AudioQuest’s Director of Communications and former Stereophile and Audiostream columnist, will browse through the many exciting albums released that day and select 15 worth a closer listen.
The decade-long wait is over.
NOS or OS, the audiophile’s choice.
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