HiFi Bargains: Atoll SDA300 Signature Streaming Integrated Amplifier

It’s all about levels.

Levels of performance, that is, when it comes to determining value. While some people believe price alone determines value—a fixed bar hifi gear has to precariously slide under like a game of limbo—that bar is not fixed at a specific price rather its level is purely personal. All to say HiFi Bargains come in all shapes, sizes, and prices.

Which brings me to the recently reviewed Atoll SDA300 Signature Streaming Integrated Amplifier, a genuine HiFi Bargain if ever there was one. Why? Because it houses everything you need to stream ’till your heart’s content while offering sound quality that is exemplary at its price. Exemplary.

150 Watts of lovely Class A/B power and Roon Ready with additional analog and digital inputs all inside a 40+ lb. well built package, all digital music lovers need add is/are the streaming source/s and speakers.

Rich, refined, and deeply rewarding. And smooth. And by rich, I’m talking about the winning combination of tone, texture, and heft that imbues reproduced music with earthy appeal. Weighty in the deepest sense of the word when talking about the enjoyment of music. The Atoll SDA300 Signature offers all of these things and I don’t know of another streaming integrated amplifier anywhere near its price I can recommend with more enthusiasm or confidence.

You can spend a heck of a lot more and get a heck of a lot less. Bravo, indeed!

Atoll SDA300 Signature
Price: $5500
Company Website: Atoll Electronics
US Distributor Website: Audio Excellent

Technical Data

Power supply: 892,2 VA
Wrms/channel/8Ω: 2×150 W
Wrms/channel/4Ω: 2×280 W
Total of capacitors: 65 800 µF
Input impedance: 220 kΩ
Maximum input level: 3,5 Vrms
Distortion at 1 kHz: 0,05%
Bandwidth: 5 Hz – 150 kHz
Rising time: 1,3 µs
Sensitivity: 350 mV
Dynamic: 129 dB
Signal/Noise ratio: 129 dB
D/A converter: Burr-Brown PCM1792
Dimensions: 440×365×103 mm
Weight: 19 Kg