Haruki Murakami DJ

Anyone who has read anything by Haruki Murakami knows he loves music. Anyone who has dug a wee bit deeper knows he used to own a jazz bar/club/coffee house in Toyko called Peter Cat. Come August 5, he’ll be DJing a set on Tokyo FM. Digging even deeper we learn Murakami owns over 100,000 records.

You can take a tour of the music mentioned in his books or better yet just read his books. I was  reading A Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World on my train ride into NYC on 9/11. The 2nd plane hit as we pulled into the Hoboken station and the rest of the day, week, and ensuing years have been tainted by a nightmare-like stain on expectations.

To Tune In to “Murakami Radio ~Run & Songs” head on over to Tokyo Radio’s Tune In Radio page on August 5.